Corrine Araujo | Human Design Guide & Trauma-Sensitive Consultant

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What is Human Design?

**What is Human Design?**

Human design was channeled by Ra Uru Hu. It's a system that combines traditional and modern science, harmonizing Western and Eastern astrology, the Hindu chakra system, the Kabbalah, and the I Ching (the Book of Changes) with modern genetic coding. It offers unique and profound insights into how our energy can be best utilized to navigate the material world.

**The Science of Neutrinos**

Ra Uru Hu defined the science of neutrinos as a foundational piece of human design. Neutrinos are universal particles of mass that exchange information with everything they pass through, including us. At birth, we are imprinted with neutrino information, leaving a genetic thumbprint. Our soul is believed to enter our physical body three months before birth, and by combining the birth details with that of three months prior, our human design chart is created.

**The I Ching and the Body Graph**

The I Ching, known as the Book of Changes is a divination text, that has been synthesized with human design and the body graph. It consists of 64 hexagrams, which in human design are referred to as gates or, in the context of gene keys, as the 64 gene keys. A hexagram is a binary symbol made up of six lines, either broken (yin) or unbroken (yang). This same binary code can be found in the core genetic structure of our DNA and the underlying patterns of the universe itself.

**The Body Graph and Energetic Themes**

The bodygraph summarizes your basic information. For example, I'm an emotional manifesting generator. This means my profile, defined centers, and the channels in my chart create my energy type, impacting how I interact with the world. Each energy type has a strategy and a "not-self theme" when things are out of alignment.

**Definition and Decision-Making**

Our definitions can be single, split, triple split, quad split, or no split. I have a small split, meaning I'm missing just one gate that keeps my energy flow from being singular. This causes me to subconsciously seek out people who can complete this energy flow. Understanding your definition helps in recognizing how we process decisions and interact with others.

**Variables and Channels**

In human design, we explore deeper layers using variables and channels. Variables are nuanced parts of the chart, and channels are connections between different parts of the body graph. For instance, the 39-55 channel connects my root center to my emotional center, defining my emotional authority.

**Gene Keys and Higher Frequencies**

The Gene Keys take human design to a deeper level by exploring the 64 hexagrams (gates) within three states: the shadow, the gift, and the Siddhi (highest essence). Each gene key brings different energies, influencing our life's work and evolutionary challenges.

**Offerings in Human Design**

I offer a range of services, both virtual and in-person, to support your journey in human design. These include:

1. **Intuitive Soul Revelation**: A human design reading that opens a portal to channel how power dynamics have influenced your energy and autonomy.

2. **Empowered Caregiving**: Utilizing a trauma-focused lens, this service helps caregivers understand how their child's energy integrates with the world around them.

3. **Relationship Readings**: Personalized readings for you and your significant other that help increase compassion and release resentment.

4. **Digital Reports**: Personalized PDFs such as "Decoding the Map of Your Soul" and "Nourishing Your Health," which provide extensive insights into your human design.

**Join the Community**

If you're interested in working together, visit my website or connect with me on Instagram. Please subscribe, leave a review, and share this podcast with your friends, neighbors, coworkers, and community. Let's connect and share awareness because that's what intimacy is at its highest level of consciousness. Thank you, and we'll chat soon!