Tapping into the Energetics of the New Paradigm

Through the Gene Keys.
Specifically, Gene Key 55 and 59

Quick little ramble.. in the Gene Keys Activation Sequence,
55 is my radiance - what keeps me healthy.. my vitality.. my aura
59 is my purpose - he quality of my consciousness, an essence I transmit into the collective.
In Human Design, this is my unconscious sun & unconscious earth in my Incarnation Cross. Plus, I have channel 39-55 in Human Design.. so to say the least, these themes have played a predominant role in my life.

Now let’s break it downnn!

55: The Dragonfly’s Dream
Dilemma: External Validation (needing to know that you exist )
Victim of Drama - Complaining/Blaming

Shadow: Victimization (Indra’s Net)
Gift: Freedom (The Spirit of the Future Epoch)
Siddhi: Freedom (The Great Change)
Located in the Solar Plexus (Emotions Center) in your HD bodygraph & reaching towards the root - (Gate 39)
With both gates highlighted, this creates the Channel of Emoting
A Design of Moodiness”
Alchemizing what it means to be free; embracing the full spectrum of your emotions

59: The Dragon in your Genome
Dilemma: Trauma
Victim of Relationships - Excluded/Intrusive

Shadow: Dishonesty (doing the genetic laundry)
Gift: Intimacy (sublimation & the serpent)
Siddhi: Transparency (the return of quetzalcoatl)
Located in the Sacral in your HD bodygraph & reaching towards the Emotions - (Gate 6)
With both gates highlighted, this creates the Channel of Mating
A Design focused on the power of intimacy and creativity
Transmuting intimacy into it's highest form; sharing transparent and vulnerable awareness.

“We seek because we suffer” - Richard Rudd

Freedom only happens through unlearning. In this state of being, we understand that at the end of the day, all we are seeking is freedom. Freedom from suffering. The 55th gene is extremely disruptive and with it, it’s Programming Partner (59). It’s a universal theme that underpins the shadow states for all 64 gene keys.

Victimization seeks external reasons for our moods and emotions. It’s rooted in unconscious conditioning that if we are not suffering, we aren’t alive. That’s what the 55 is seeking - to feel alive.. to FEEL period. It seeks the emotional highs and lows to know that it’s living a full life.

The systems at play and that have been in power for thousands of years have created hierarchies. Hierarchies that were created for survival. Systems that may have served a great purpose at one point but by continuing to exist under these structures, our nervous system has continued to learn and perpetuate a major key that keeps us all from thriving - That existing in survival mode is the way to achieve “the dream.”

However, through Interoception and Polyvagal Theory, we understand that this in fact, is actually quite the opposite. Survival mode keeps us from seeking connection. When we are in survival mode, we fluctuate between the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic - specifically the dorsal vagal.

When we are surviving we aren’t seeking connection - we are seeking protection. And in turn, our nervous system’s function is to keep us alive. Alive does not = thriving. When we are in a collapsed, immobilized state, our nervous system is looking to protect our energy. It says, “you have limited (energy), and I will make sure you are cautious of how you use what you do have.”

When we are in the sympathetic, a fight or flight state, our nervous system is telling us that we are in major danger. That we need to externally release our energy to protect us.

And whether this is true or not, isn’t for the nervous system to discern. This is where we actually have to release our energy safely to come back to a regulated state. By not doing so, we are engaging in survival behaviors which are aggressive, harmful, and primal coping strategies.

So when you see the world engaging in behaviors that seem outside of the realm of (the) human capacity -you must also see the systems that have fostered survival over connection. Systems that have perpetuated for thousands of years.

We see this in politics constantly. We see the comparing, the blaming, the shaming, the comparing, the projections. I watch it spin and weave and spin and weave. And as it does, I often say to myself, “when will they realize they’re all such hypocrites?” We spin, and we spin, and you’ll see it in the 2 divided parties. We place people - people with all of our nuances, our complexities, our completely individualized and personal experiences - into 2 groups.

Like we’re about to play kickball in gym class.
Elementary gym class.
We point and we say the Republicans, then we point and say the Democrats. And then, we all criticize each other for pointing and placing blame - AS WE ARE POINTING AND PLACING BLAME.

It’s all outlandish really.
And an extremely lower level of consciousness.
Consciousness that tells us we still have to kill each other over religion. Over disagreements, over different perspectives, over different experiences, over the way we look, the people we love.
But then we all look around in complete shock and ask, “why is this all happening?”

And this is where 55 & 59 have gifted me with these qualities of consciousness that allow me to see & prompt me to ask:

  1. Why would it not be happening?

  2. How are you contributing to it happening?

  3. What role are you playing?

  4. Where are you placing blame?

  5. Where you projecting externally, and seeking external validation, to divert your attention from actually facing what needs to be faced?

  6. When will you see that projecting, complaining, blaming, pointing fingers, etc. is really just a coping strategy to divert attention? Diverting attention from the true issue at hand, and the issue that makes you too uncomfortable to face.. So instead, you make others victims of your victimhood.

  7. Where do you not feel free? (Example; your body, your relationships, your finances, your job, your spirit, etc.)

  8. Where are you trapping yourself?

  9. Where might you see yourself as the victim?

  10. Where are you playing the victim?

  11. Why do you struggle being honest?

  12. Where does your inability to be honest with others, really come from?

  13. Where are you dishonest with yourself?

  14. What can’t you take accountability for?

  15. Why does taking responsibility make you feel guilty?

  16. Why can’t you face guilt?

  17. Why can’t you trust yourself?

  18. What are you going to do to live a life of freedom?

A life of freedom = living a life that aims for all of humanity to be free.

Free from hate
From suffering
Free to be consumed with love

& driven by connection 💜


Distorted Reflections: The Life & Design of Andrew Cunanan


We’re All Mad Here