Person in floral top with tattoos, wearing a red headscarf, surrounded by mystical effects and circular lights.



I’m your uncensored
Fire 🔥 Blazing // Earth 🜃 Shattering

Hype Woman

Colorful abstract flowers with rainbow hues
Child reaching for chocolate cake on table with tablecloth
Artistic portrait of a woman with a red headscarf, featuring braids, glitter on her skin, and an ankh earring. The image has a dreamy pink overlay with clouds.

I don’t think you’re
here by Accident.

you see…

I’m here to be a trailblazer; a free spirit whose passion for self expression paves the way for future change makers.

& if you’ve made it over to my colorful cosmic corner, there’s a reason. In this little corner of time and space, we believe in the power of self-expression, and that you, are the artist.

Now to the important stuff:
Taking affective action ↓


Why I do What I do

I was born. It’s as simple as that. My purpose has always been extremely prominent and at the forefront of my existence, it was just about whether or not I felt safe and able to embrace it. My intuitive grasp of collective suffering physically can not, and will not allow me to put the suffering of the collective on the back burner.. especially when I know what to do in order to stop perpetuating cycles of oppression.

I’m a little different

& not only am I not afraid to say that, I’m not afraid to embrace it and I’m certainly not afraid to show it. I’m reframing trauma recovery through synthesizing forensic psychology and clinical techniques, with the principles of energetics.

With enthusiasm and passion that’s unparalleled.

I see the thread that connects to everything, and I won’t stop unraveling it until we hit the core.

I really, really believe that

True reform will happen through the world becoming trauma informed. And not the “trauma informed” buzzword’s that are an example of colonialism in itself. Let me explain..

“Trauma - informed” in the context that it’s being thrown around in, is basically saying that the person is practicing compassion, basic human empathy; and has a generic awareness that someone could have or has experienced a form of trauma.

Neon pink squiggly arrow pointing up


you should not be claiming to be trauma informed as it provides an unclear message and intention to people looking for support that are well outside of your scope of practice.


Trauma Expert Insight

The term "trauma-informed" is used by many who are not adequately trained or regulated to provide trauma-informed care, which is extremely harmful and inappropriate for a magnitude of reasons.

As a result - those claiming to be “trauma-informed” can be classified as either the perpetrator or the oppressor.


By using this phrase without the proper accreditations, experience, education, and being an actual specialist, you are


those who have experienced trauma, and their traumatic experiences.

  • Trauma is a very specific area of focus.. not a Buzz Word

I digress

🙃 ☟

I digress 🙃 ☟

Smiling person with braided hair and glitter on face, wearing a red headscarf and vibrant red lipstick, posing with hands around head.

My Intuitive Grasp

of collective suffering

fuels my passion for this work. It's more than a career; it's a calling to mend the fabric of our communities, fostering environments where everyone feels valued, understood, and connected.

When I hit my rock bottom, I decided that it was time to stop 🛑 allowing cycles of abuse dictate my past, present, and future.

Neon sign with the text 'Do it together, never alone' in pink script.

My lived experiences are real and they are not the only experiences out there. The truth is, conditioning keeps us suppressed.

But when we recognize our strength and step into our power

 we can change the world. 

Pink silhouette drawing of a tiger

Let’s Make History

I don’t have time to be spammy.