Corrine Araujo Human Design Guide & Trauma-Sensitive Consultant

Hello Radiant Soul, I’m Corrine.

Ecstatic to meet you! A little about me. I’m a ground breaking, boundary busting, divine feminine force. I’m here to be a trailblazer; a free spirit whose passion for self expression paves the way for future change makers.

With a Masters in Forensic Psychology, over 10 years in the mental health field working with children and families with a significant history of complex trauma, my purpose is to be a guide into a new paradigm of healing.

In addition to holding a MS in Forensic Psychology, I am a 300 HR Certified Trauma Sensitive Yoga Facilitator (TCTSY), Dually Certified Dharma (Soul Purpose) & Spiritual Coach, Human Design Reader, and Business Consultant.

Human Design Alchemist &
Cosmic Catalyst for Spiritual Leaders

Life is a whirlwind, and I am no stranger to that. I hit rock bottom in my early twenties. It was then that my life truly began. I decided that I was worth it. I deserve to love myself. It was time to stop allowing the cycle of abuse to dictate my past, present, and future.

My lived experiences are real, and they are not the only experiences out there. I recognize and validate your story, too. The truth is, conditioning keeps us suppressed. But when we recognize our strength and step into our power, we can change the world.

Since I was little, I've had the ability to recognize how power dynamics are abused, and innately know what's needed for others to feel safe and secure. My inner child held a profound level of consciousness, and through trauma education, finally gained the language to match her innate ideas, beliefs, and visions. My educational and professional journey started over 10 years ago, and I’m here to share my knowledge and experience with you.

My path was never meant to be linear. I ditched the plan and jumped into the unknown to face some of my most embedded shadows. I have done generations of healing, yet I knew something was still trapped in there and the only way to face it was to leave the comfort behind.

So, I said goodbye to plan a, b, c, and allowed myself time to see my creativity outside of corporate America.

My passion for Human Design and Trauma Consulting deepened, and a new business was born. Offering private and group classes now offers me the opportunity to blend my professional and life experience with the fullest expression of my soul purpose.

Surrendering Societal Limits. Calling In Higher Creativity.

One of the reasons I love Human Design, and why it resonates so prominently with me, is because it’s all about deconditioning, and questioning everything that you’ve been taught. It’s unlearning to relearn the absolute truth. It’s about being you, and removing the stigmas around our diversity. Human Design gives us a tool to reinterpret our challenges as gifts, and our differences as superpowers. It gives us permission to be ourselves.

Human Design empowers us to be ourselves. As a reader and alchemist, I’m here to empower, inspire, and foster space that allows my clients to transform and expand their perspectives. My mission is to provoke and encourage deeper conversations. You’ll walk away believing how powerful you are as an individual, and a greater part of the collective. Together, we’ll release shame and guilt, own our one of a kind blueprint, and channel our fierceness.