The Sekhmet Code intertwines the ancient art of Egyptian Energy Healing with the mystical realm of Human Design, illuminating the pathways of energy that flow through your nine celestial centers. Within your sacred blueprint lies a treasure map of intuitive wisdom, revealing hidden realms where nurturing, harmony, and equilibrium yearn to flourish.


is an ancient Egyptian goddess embodying both healer and warrior roles. Created from the fire of the Sun God's eye, Sekhmet is honored for protection and healing. Techniques like Sekhem-Seichim Egyptian Reiki involve channeling universal love through the chakras to align and attune the core energies of existence.

As a Warrior Goddess, Sekhmet’s name means “the powerful one.” She is invoked for protection as she highlights the shadows of the divine. As a healer, she is sought for cures of every ailment as she embodies the healing aspect of the sun’s rays. Sekhmet is an embodiment of the cycle of destruction and renewal.

The Logistics

I’m currently offering The Sekhmet Code as distant reiki.
We set up a time for you to receive and from there, all you have to do is find a space where you feel comfortable and safe.

Time: 30 minutes
Price: $60 USD

Let’s work together.

Session’s are not virtual
I’ve found that when I provide distant reiki without the interference of technology, I’m able to tap into and guide your energy at a deeper level. For that reason, these sessions do not have a virtual option (zoom, computers, phones, etc.)